

Whenever possible, holistic wellness should be sought prior to pregnancy. Healthy nutrition, regular physical activity, avoidance of alcohol and drugs, and good mental health and stress management are all important components.

Ideally any pre-existing illnesses or conditions should be optimized. Certain medications can be harmful to the development of a baby. If you are taking regular medications prior to pregnancy, discuss with your doctor if any should be changed.

Obesity can be a significant risk factor during pregnancy. Consider speaking to your doctor about lifestyle optimization and consider speaking to a dietician for additional assistance.

Prenatal vitamins are most effective if started prior to pregnancy. If planning conception, we suggest starting a vitamin 6 weeks prior to actively trying to conceive.

Conception is often not immediate and this can be stressful for families. Approximately 85% of couples will get pregnant within 12 months of trying to conceive.

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